I am Vaishnavi Manga. I have been given this assignment in an attempt to understand the topic of Scholarship of integration in medical education and research to develop my competency and comprehending clinical data including history , clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis.

                                 This assignment is to review and analyze the previous assignments and e-log.

QUESTION 01- Competency tested for peer to peer review and assessment.

I have reviewed Asjad's (Roll:78) assignment. His assignment was precise. He took 10 different cases from pulmonology and reviewed it. He studied the assignments concisely and gave all the answers. But the thing is it was in short like only in one sentence. It would be better if he would made it more clear with all the positives and negatives of the given blog. He also did the quantitative evaluation with appropriate scores. Overall the assignment was good.

QUESTION 02-Share the link to your own case report of a patient that you connected with and engaged while capturing his her sequential life events before and after the illness and clinical and investigational images along with your discussion of that case. 

I did not made an e-log as of now. I will update it soon when it is done.

QUESTION 03-Testing peer review competency of the examinees

Acute kidney infection:

A 58 year old male came to casualty with chief complaints of fever, burning micturition, dribbling of urine, low backache during lifting of weights, low abdominal pain.
The assignment was systematically presented. But the investigations were not clearly mentioned that made it hard to understand.

Chronic kidney disease:

 A 75yr old male patient, labourer by occupation ,came to casuality with chief complaints of  lower backache, dribbling of urine, pedal edema ,SOB, increased involuntary movements of both upper limbs. The document was comprehensive in detail. All examinations were precise. Investigations were well mentioned. The patient's condition was well monitored and clearly explained that made it more effective.

Patient with coma and renal failure:


A case of a diabetic with breathlessness. The symptomatology was well explained. Intubation and CPR notes was detailed properly. All the examinations were concise. Investigations was well explained. Bed sores was clearly shown with appropriate images that made it easy to understand about the case in detail. All the history was taken clearly by family members as the patient was unconscious. Treatment was mentioned precisely.

Patient with acute on CKD:


 The above cases are very well presented. The evaluation of symptomatology is very effective. It would be more elaborative. All the examinations were mentioned precisely. The documents were effective.

Patient with AKI:


The cases were clearly explained. All the examinations were mentioned in detail. All the investigations were deidentified and mentioned clearly. Diagnostic reports were precise. Overall the presentations were comprehensive.

QUESTION 04-Testing scholarship competency of the examinees


It is sudden in onset, primarily reversible. Generally, the symptomatology includes c/o oliguria, lower abdominal pain, decrease in urine output with burning micturition, SOB, fever, vomitings, pedal edema in bilateral lower limb pitting type. It can be identified by serum creatinine levels, it shows low albumin levels, with normal hemoglobin concentration, not associated with anemia, normal lipid profile. Sometimes AKI are associated with other diseases like hepatomegaly, pancreatitis, CHF. Renal transplantation is not required, the patient should be on dialysis for a short period of time.


It is sudden in onset, predominantly irreversible. General c/o of patients are muscle aches, fever, generalized weakness, vomitings- non-bilious, normal or increased urinary output [polyuria], no pedal edema [if associated with pedal edema there is periorbital edema too which indicates severe kidney damage], SOB- absent. O/e size of the kidney is reduced, hemoglobin concentration decreased, anemia is seen, marked changes in lipid profile [decreased HDL, increased LDL, TG]. Renal transplantation is necessary, dialysis- required repeatedly.


Sudden fall in GFR is diagnosed as acute kidney disease, nevertheless, some patients has pre-existing kidney injury leading to CKD.

QUESTION 05-Testing scholarship competency in logging reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month.

    This pandemic made everything really tough to go through all the aspects clearly. We were eagerly waiting for our clinical postings to know about patients problems, learn to diagnose know the treatment ways and all in person but unfortunately everything turned to virtual with our new normal. At first it was tough for me to follow all the things online but things like these blogs came in handy for me to understand easily. This is my second assignment. I felt it tough last month but this time it is easier. I am waiting for a case and learn about it precisely. I am really thankful for our HOD sir who made us learn many things virtually. I felt we learnt many things in no time even through this online classes like observing tens of cases in few classes - biweekly. Looking forward for gaining more knowledge and the same time waiting for our in person postings.

                                                          END OF THE ASSIGNMENT


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