E-LOGS MEDICINE

                                                           I am Vaishnavi Manga. I have been given this assignment in an attempt to understand the topic of Scholarship of integration in medical education and research to develop my competency and comprehending clinical data including history , clinical findings, investigations and diagnosis.


QUESTION 01:Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment : 

The evolution of symptomatology was clearly explained. The anatomical localisation and etiology of the problem were given in a simple manner.
The mechanism of action of each innervation was well described.
The cause for kidney injury and anaemia was presented in an easy manner.
The only thing was it would be easier if different fonts were used. Overall it was well understood.

The blog was beautifully presented with different fonts which could make us differentiate questions and headings easier. The symptomatology was well described.
Both the pharmacological and non-pharmacological innervations along with their mechanisms of action are described clearly in an order which was easy to comprehend.
Each case was explained in depth along with the explanations of other causes.
The image references came in handy. The blog was concise.

The document was well organised and clear which made it easy to go through. It was more like a synopsis for every case with a brief description.
The symptomatology was chronologically presented which made it more interesting and easy as well.
The risk factors of each case were clearly explained.
Videos at appropriate places enhanced the level of understanding.
All the questions were well reasoned and understandable.

The symptomatology was well explained in a precise order.
Indications of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological innervations were interesting and in an easily understandable language.
The appearance of neurological symptoms was not mentioned.
In the third case reason for hypokalemia was not detailed. Rest all was clear.

The symptomatology was not listed well which made it difficult to understand without going through it again for the next time.
The innervations were not detailed with proper indications.
Reasons for hypokalemia was clearly explained. All the answers were detailed to the point and made it easily understandable.

The document is appealing and comprehensive with detailed explanations. It was precisely organised that pulled to read every word clearly.
It is convenient with elaborative references, proper links and visual aids placed accordingly.
The mechanism of action is well described. All the answers were to the point.
Each innervation was explained clearly with proper indications and efficacies in an easy language.
Images made it more interesting. It was the best presentation.

The presentation was well organised. The timeline of symptomatology was explained clearly in order.
The mechanism of action was detailed. Proper doses of injections were mentioned.
It explained the reasons for high cases f mucormycosis in India.
proper methods of prevention were added. It was easy language and comprehensive.

Symptomatology was not clear it would be better if it was in proper order.
The anatomical position was precise with diagrams that made it more interesting.
Pathophysiology was explained in detail.
The mechanism was detailed with diagrams that enhanced the readability for visual learners.
The presentation was comprehensive and in easy language.

The document was well listed but it would be more clear if links or references of the cases were added.
Symptomatology was not precise. Pathophysiology was well explained with diagrams.
Pharmacological innervations were detailed with particular dosages mentioned.
The content was detailed clearly. All the answers were to the point. Visual aids made it concise.

The symptomatology was in proper order and well listed.
Each pharmacological innervation has been explained in-depth with comprehensive language.
All the subquestions were answered to the point.
It would be even more precise if references were placed accordingly.

QUESTION 02:Case discussion

Sorry, sir, I have not taken up any case as of now. It is very new to me and it took me some time to understand things and follow them. The next assessment would definitely include my case.

QUESTION 03:Testing peer review competency of the examinees

The data of the case was detailed in the right order. The history of the patient was well explained. Lab investigations were deidentified and placed appropriately. Diagnostic discussions were not given.
The discharge summary was clear.

The medical history was shared in a comprehensive manner. All the data of the patient was deidentified. Diagnostic reports and images were appropriate. The discharge summary was precise with future care and treatment plan.

QUESTION 04: Testing scholarship competency of the examinees ( ability to read comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient-centred data as in their 'original' answers to the assignment for May 2021):

CASE 01:

Problem list:
Acute liver failure secondary to viral infection
hepatic coagulopathy
denovo diabetes type 1
diabetic ketoacidosis
no appetite no passing of stools

Insulin for lowering blood glucose levels
IV dextrose to prevent lowering of blood glucose and to prevent hypokalemia
Vitamin k to prevent haemorrhage
3% NaCl IV solution to draw fluid into the vascular compartment
Enema to pass out stools and syp lactulose for support.

CASE 02:

Problem list:
infection spondylitis

monocef to work against bacteria
optineurin helps with vit B12 B6 nicotinamide supplementation.

QUESTION 05: Testing scholarship competency in logging reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month :

The pandemic has been tough on many of us and the dependency on the medical fraternity has increased exponentially. During these chaotic times, I have got the clinical postings virtually. this paradigm shift has been challenging in its own ways.

I firmly believe that if it's not challenging you it's not changing you and the total shift to virtual has made it difficult to interact with patients and their family members to know the patient's medical history and diagnosis but the communication aids and the constant support of our generous HOD sir and the guidance under HOD sir I could accomplish the task.

I am pretty clear that this experience will make me a better doctor and treat patients with more empathy and care once I start the practice. 

                                          END OF THE ASSIGNMENT


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